Parshat Tazria-Metzorah by Channa Loebenstein

This weeks’ parsha is Parashat Tazriah. As I was reading it, I skimmed ahead into next weeks’ parsha, Parashat Metzorah. As I did this, I realized something amazing; that...

Pesach is Coming by Matty Behar

With Pesach coming up, I learned a great lesson about myself and my people from my Torah podcast that I would like to share. Hashem took the Jews out...

Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudai – By Shiran Arusi

In this weeks Parshiyot, Vayakhel and Pekudai, the building of the Mishkan and vessels is discussed. Everybody brought gold, silver and copper for the building, but one of the...

Parshat Ki Tisa – By Sivan Zuzan

In the beginning of Parsha Ki Tisa, Hashem tells Moshe to collect half a shekel from every man that is 20 years or older and that would be the...

Haman’s Second – By Eli Milstein

There’s a gemara in Sanhedrin 79b that says the great grandchildren of Haman learned Torah in Bnei Barak. We know that nothing in this world which is infinitely planned...

Working for the Boss

I have a friend who works for a major hotel chain. He works as a Hospitality Quality Consultant, sort of a secret shopper for hotel service. His job consists...

Parshat Mishpatim – By Matty Behar

This weeks Torah portion, Parsha Mishpatim, is an extensive parshah that contains many commandments. To be specific it contains 23 positive commandments and 30 negative commandments. Many commandments are...


We are taught that even the lowest of people who experienced the splitting of the sea had one of  the highest, most amazing spiritual experiences in the history of...

Parshat Yitro – By Jonathan Levine

Parshat Yitro is one of the most famous sections of the entire Tanach, for it describes the giving of the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai, the most...