Parshat Miketz – Leetal Winick

At the beginning of this week’s Parsha, Parshat Miketz, Paroh dreams about fourteen cows coming out of the Nile. The first seven cows that emerge are healthy and robust...

Parshat Nitzavim – Raquel Levy

In Parshat Nitzavim G-d tells the Jewish people that he has placed before them life and death. “…choose life, so that you will live…” (Deuteronomy, 30:19) At first glance...

San Diego NCSY’s Israel Month Schedule!

February is NCSY’s Israel Month and we have lots in store! Tuesday (Feb. 18th): Jewsday Night with J.J. Surbeck, Executive Director of TEAM J.J. will give us a clear...

NCSY at 60

This year marks a monumental milestone as NCSY celebrates its 60th anniversary since its founding in 1954. Through the decades, NCSY has become a treasured part of the Jewish...