In this week’s Parasha we learn the famous quote, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Something important for us to know is that we are a singular unit referred to as “Klal Yisrael.” We can be compared to a tree. There are many different aspects of the tree-roots, leaves, branches, fruits, seeds-but we are all essential and each of these aspects is dependent on the other for sustenance. Without roots, we wouldn’t have branches; without seeds, we wouldn’t have fruit; etc.
This shows just how dependent we all are on each other. This is the meaning behind Rabbi Akiva’s statement, “Love your neighbor as yourself; this is a major tenet in the Torah.” It is a major ideology because it emphasizes the importance of maintaining unity. Unity is the first step to the fulfillment of our destiny as Jews.
So, how can we achieve unity? The Torah is the only way to achieve real unity because it was given to us from Hashem, so it’s objective. When there is subjectivity and self-interest, it’s impossible to find something suitable for everyone because there is always someone with a different opinion. However, Hashem gave us the Torah and everyone agreed to submit to this set of rules. Unity is possible through all this. Just remember that anything you do can and will affect others and, ultimately, we are all here to support each other. If we live with this mindset, we can achieve unity.