
Right now, we are smack in the middle of the parshiot of our national redemption, our freedom from the bondage of Mitzrayim – but, as with everything in the Torah, there...

Parshat Bo – By Bryant Ainhorn

At the beginning stages of Parshat Bo, Moshe and Aaron come to Pharaoh and say to him “So said Hashem, G-d of the Hebrews: ‘Until when will you refuse...

Who You Are – San Diego NCSY

Based on a true story, San Diego NCSY helps one Jewish teen understand the real meaning of “who you are”. Produced entirely by San Diego NCSY teens. Check it...

Parshat Toldot – By Jonathan Levine

Our rabbis teach us that our three forefathers each represent a positive quality that each Jew should strive for. Avraham represents kindness, Yitzchak represents strength, and Yaakov represents truth....