This week’s parsha is about the rise of Yosef to power, after suffering years of torment and torture. Yosef’s immediate response to his new royal position is to marry...
There is a news story that has been circulating online recently about a Rabbi from Connecticut named Noah Muroff, who purchased a desk on Craigslist for $150. When it...
The term Tzadik is a heavy word. It carries along with it a great sense of influence, responsibility, and power. Out of Yaakov’s twelve children, only one of them...
This week’s parsha continues the chronicles of Jacob and Esau. As Jacob goes to retrieve a few items from across the river, he encounters a guardian angel of Esau,...
As we approach Chanukah we need to start thinking about the meaning of and lessons to be learned from its story, particularly the roots of the story and its...
This week’s parsha discuses Yaakov’s dream. In his dream, he sees a latter with angels going up and down and Hashem at the top of it. Rabi Meir compares...
There is an old joke, which isn’t very funny, that goes as follows: There was a competition, much like the Golden Ticket contest of Willy Wonka fame, for one...
When looking at the relationship between Yaakov and Eisav, or perhaps more accurately at Eisav himself, we see two character traits which are at the core of who Eisav...
This weeks parsha is Parshat Toldot. The bulk of the parsha talks about Ya’akov and Asav. One particular story that I will focus on is how, according to Asav,...
In the beginning of this week’s Parsha, Avraham mourns the death of his beloved wife, Sarah. The first order of business is to find a burial place for her...