Parashat Tazria – Dania Halperin

This week’s parsha is most known for the sin of Lashon Hara, which means evil speech or gossip. We need to realize that the most distinguishing feature of human...

Parahsat Shemini – Channa Loebenstein

This weeks Parsha is Parashat Shemini. Aharon’s sons, Nadav & Avihu, die because of their disservice in the Mishkan and Moshe consoles him. In Perek י, Pasuk ג is...

Parashat Vayikra – Bryant Ainhorn

In the fifth Aliyah of Parshat Vayikra, the Torah deals with sin offerings and the different types of sin offerings. The Torah only mentions one type of sinner: the...

Parahsat Pekudei – Simone Bitton

This weeks Parsha completes Sefer Shemot. In Parshat Vayakhel all the vessels of the Mishkan were fashioned.”Pekudei” means counting, this is referring to the calculations and accounting done by...

Parashat Vayakheil – Moshe Kaplan

If you look into this week’s parsha, Parshat Vayakheil, the majority of the parsha is discussing the Mishkan: who was building it, the materials that were needed, who gave...

Bringing Hashem Into Your Life

I want to recommend a book to everyone. The book is Unbroken Spirit by Yosef Mendelevich, it is autobiographical account of Yosef’s experiences as a Jew living in the USSR before the...

San Diego NCSY’s Israel Month Schedule!

February is NCSY’s Israel Month and we have lots in store! Tuesday (Feb. 18th): Jewsday Night with J.J. Surbeck, Executive Director of TEAM J.J. will give us a clear...

Parashat Ki Tisa – Osher Kochav Lev

This weeks parsha is Parshat Ki Tisa. The Parsha focuses on the golden calf. We know that Moshe went up to Har Sinai, for 40 days and 40 nights...