Tazriah and Metzorah are about becoming impure, and the processes of re-purifying yourself. Now how does that connect to Sefirat HaOmer? During this period, we are building up to the giving of G-d’s holiest gift…His Torah. In order to be on the spiritual level necessary for such an event, we need to be pure; in our body, mind, spirit, and soul.
Jewish people don’t believe in coincidences; everything happens for a reason, because G-d set it to be that way. The reason why these two Parshiot fall out when they do is not by chance; it’s to remind us to stay focused on the concept of purity. When we hear thse two upcoming Parshiot, we should keep in mind that purity should be our main concern during this period of spiritual cleansing. And we should take a lesson from Tazriah and Metzorah–that being pure is important when you come face-to-face with G-d and those that surround you. Keep on purifying yourselves, fellow Jews!